Biden touts his ‘cancer moonshot’ on the anniversary of JFK’s ‘man on the moon’ speech

It’s been 60 years since President Kennedy delivered his iconic moonshot speech, marking a goal for America to launch a man into space to step foot on the moon, and bring him back to Earth. On Sept. 12, President Biden gave a speech at the Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, outlining the progress on his own self-described moonshot: ending cancer.

Senator Tester Supports Cancer Technologies

In Montana we rally and circle the wagons when a member of our community is suffering, with everyone lending a hand. Our own Senator Jon Tester has demonstrated this truly Montana trait by working to advance policy changes that must occur to alter the course of cancer detection and treatment.

Industry Leading Acute Pain Management Products To Be Made Available in New Markets in the Middle East and North Africa

Solo-Dex has announced an exclusive Product Distribution Agreement for Solo-Dex Fascile® suite of products with CH Trading Group LLC, an international import, export and trading company. The Agreement focuses on the MENA regional markets and extends the availability of Solo-Dex Fascile products beyond the U.S., Europe and Brazil to dozens of countries, including those that are part of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the African Union and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Solo-Dex Fascile Nerve Block Catheter Has Been Designated Safe for the Magnetic Resonance (MR)

The “MR” designation means that patients no longer need to interrupt their pain management to obtain MR imaging. In addition, patients no longer need to undergo repeat placement of a nerve block catheter following an MRI imaging. Solo-Dex green “MR” designation will improve patient satisfaction, reduce costs and drive efficiency in a hospital and in the ambulatory surgical center.

Small Business Funding for Innovations in Alzheimer’s Disease and Aging — Application Notice

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) offers early-stage funding opportunities to small businesses and researchers looking to commercialize innovative treatments or technologies to help people enjoy healthier lives as they age. The NIA Small Business Program is accepting applications for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding. Learn more about these open opportunities. The next deadline to apply is September 6, 2022

Cynthia Tsai: Transformational Global Leader of the Year

In this modern, ever-growing competitive era, most businesses tend to overlook one of the most significant aspects of their organization i.e., the people. Without question, they are the foundation of any business and carry the potential to take it to the zenith of success.

Cynthia Tsai, CEO of Tana Systems & Healthquest, stands out as a global leader who believes that the road to excellent global leadership cements on forming personal connections with the people along with a personal commitment to exploration and curiosity.

FASTQ to Report: Streamlining the process with Golden Helix Software

Manually converting FASTQs to VCFs, importing these into VarSeq, and building projects from scratch is adequate when you have only a handful of cases per week. But as you start ramping up production, the key to your lab’s success quickly becomes how quickly and efficiently you can get to the reporting of your analysis. This blog will explain how you can automate the VCF and VarSeq Project generation process that requires only a few commands. This will expedite your path to analysis as the newly created project will be ready to import rare variants quickly into VSClinical.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals receives grant to advance development of TNX-1300 as a treatment for cocaine intoxication

Tonix Pharmaceuticals has received a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to support development of TNX-1300 a recombinant enzyme that efficiently degrades and metabolizes cocaine. In 2021, more than 24,900 individuals in the U.S. died from drug overdose deaths involving cocaine.