News Articles and Montana BioScience Alliance Newsletters
Montana State University Billings alumnus Jon Laurent, Ph.D., was recently inducted into the Montana Bioscience Alliance Hall of Fame for his critical role in COVID-19 testing research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Four public health master’s students at the University of Montana are working on projects that tackle some of the largest health issues facing the state and region. The students recently earned the regional Student Leaders in Public Health Award from the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center in the Colorado School of Public Health. The award provides $3,500 to each project.
The new, three-year project aims at improving access throughout Montana to often life-saving treatments available through clinical trials. Funded with nearly $750,000 from biotechnology company Genentech through a grant aimed at advancing equitable access to health care, the project seeks to optimize portions of Billings Clinic’s electronic health record systems for clinical trials and engage underserved communities to let more people in the state receive clinical trial care.
MSU will host a free one-day workshop for biotechnology entrepreneurs and others interested in business ventures involving the life-sciences. The event will present practical information about starting a company, securing intellectual property, fundraising and licensing technology. The event is co-sponsored by the Montana Bioscience Alliance and the Montana Innovation Partnership.
Awards will be offered by the National Institutes of Health and will be linked to grants currently held by the Institute of Translational Health Services and are open to: (1) students enrolled in doctoral programs at institutions of higher education in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho meeting T32/TL1 eligibility criteria, who can request 2 to 3 years of support for stipend and tuition, and (2) early career faculty and postdoctoral investigators meeting KL2 eligibility criteria, who can request support for 3 […]
When her husband was undergoing cancer treatment, Cindy Perez of Southwest Ranches, Fla., learned about a new blood test that could help find early cancers. The 50-year-old said she felt fine, but her husband urged her to take the test anyway.
Studies of interactions between two lab-generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and an essential Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) protein have uncovered targets that could be exploited in designing treatments and vaccines for this extremely common virus.
As a new year begins in Congress, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is carrying over many of its legislative priorities from last year.
Administrative Supplements to Promote Diversity in Research and Development Small Businesses – SBIR/STTR
Contract Pre-solicitation for R&D that will contribute toward ARPA-H mission needs and SBIR program objectives.
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